
50 Business Motivational Quotes to Help Inspire Your Small Company

Everyone needs a pep talk every now and then, even if that pep talk comes in the form of some motivational quotations found on the internet. Here are some of my favorite quotations for businesses - for those who created the business and those amazing workers who keep them running.

1. You are not your resume, you are your work. ~ Seth Godin

2. If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. ~Anonymous

You Think You Have What It Takes to Be A Web Designer Today?

Think you want your neighbor's kid to create your website for you? Think again. Not only does a website require a professional looking website, but most people don't even consider the technicalities of all the back-end work that is done with programmers, security, maintenance, IT, etc. Today, I'll give you a glimpse of what is required just from the designer's perspective.

Today's web designers skills go beyond software knowledge. In addition to technical skills, web designers must possess the following:

6 Mistakes To Avoid on Facebook

Okay - I know every business is not making these mistakes but because I am on Facebook about 98% of the time I am awake, I do see these mistakes a lot.  I see them enough that I was inspired to write this blog and even had to scale it back some or it would be tl;dr.  If you are playing by Facebook rules I applaud you.  If you aren't or are not sure, please take a few minutes to learn some of the rules and etiquette of Facebook posting for business.