Bring on the Flash

Well, not really, but we're getting closer!  Flash is a great technology, and like any great technology it has been abused and misused for quite some time.  That doesn't mean there isn't a good use case for flash.  There are several fantastic instances where flash really shines, but more often then not flash is over used in situations where plain text would have sufficed, not just for the end user's needs, but also for the customers needs.  In fact, more often than not, the customer is almost always better served by plain text than they are flash.

From Oklahoma to Hungary

Well, it's official, The Worx Company is going to be at Drupalcon Hungary!  I personally am incredibly stoked to be going (if you can't tell by the exclamation point) and best of all, my wife is coming to expand her Drupal knowledge as well.  As a Drupal-centric shop, we deal with the software every single day, but Drupal is expansive, so any chance we have to learn more we always try to jump at.

Developing Drupal Modules

After more than two years of using Drupal rather extensively internally, we've finally managed to create and commit back to the community our first full fledged module: the Imagefield Gallery module.  Development on the module is continuing today even though the first major release of it was over a month ago, such is the way with modules in many cases, there's always something new to add to the "to do" list.

Drupalcon Boston 2008


Well Drupalcon was absolutely amazing. This being my first Drupalcon I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but getting together with "digital friends" is something I've done before so it wasn't entirely foreign. We learned about some amazing new technologies, not the least of which is RDF, but more on that later.

The Worx Company Presence: