Drupal Modules: Contextual Administration Module

If you've been following my blogs about the various administrative interfaces we've been playing with, you'll know that I've proposed the idea of building a system through which these sorts of administrations could be deployed by site administrators without the need to understand what it would take in terms of module development to do so for themselves.  Since I started playing with this stuff ctools has really become very common place, and it's page_manager module is perfect for doing this sort of work.  With that in mind we're announcing

Developing Drupal Modules

After more than two years of using Drupal rather extensively internally, we've finally managed to create and commit back to the community our first full fledged module: the Imagefield Gallery module.  Development on the module is continuing today even though the first major release of it was over a month ago, such is the way with modules in many cases, there's always something new to add to the "to do" list.