FOWYDB - Focusing On What You Do Best

FOWYDB - almost looks like a "bad word", doesn't it?  Well, it is something we have been telling ourselves the last couple of days.  Focusing on what WE do best.  The Worx Company started out as an .asp shop, and when it merged with Meridian Data, well, not much changed.  For several years, we stuck with our .asp content management system.

Farming Drupal Talent

What was it Dries said at Drupalcon? Top two "most difficult things" for both novice and expert Drupal users were 1. finding skilled Drupal designers and 2. finding skilled Drupal developers. We have noticed that as our company grows, we are running into similar issues. Especially #2 - finding skilled Drupal developers has been difficult - in the Oklahoma web industry, Drupal isn't a common platform. Most people have never even heard of Drupal, so we have put much of our efforts into "evangelizing" Drupal in the community.