Hungary Anyone

Well, it's that time again, when all the Drupal developers do their best to get together in one location and discuss the future of the platform and the web surrounding it.  This time we'll be gathering in semi-rural Hungary... the city of Szeged.  I've not had the pleasure of visiting ANY portion of Europe yet, so the wife and I will be taking some extra time both before the convention and afterwards to see the sites of Budapest and Vienna.  I'm very excited.

I will not be speaking in the same capacity at this Drupalcon as I did during the Boston convention, however there will be a bof (Birds of a Feather) over imagefield_gallery that I will be running and I'd heavily encourage anyone who is interested in a viable future for image galleries in drupal, and easy ways of setting them up/maintaining them to attend.

I had hoped to have imagefield_gallery 2.0 beta out before this Drupalcon, but it simply wasn't attainable.  I am, however, quite close to that mark and it will serve in the needed capacity to illustrate where I think we can go, and what I think we can do.  I've spoken a number of times here about what I think the future of imagefield_gallery will be, and I've come to the conclusion that the Drupal 6 upgrade will almost certainly be strictly views based.  This is because I'd like to eliminate the need for as much excess code as possible, and while cck formatters do a wonderful job of formatting the output of any given field, they have no real bearing on the views output.  Views however could be easily convinced to over-ride the output of a single field, much in the same way we're currently achieving it.  I intend on bouncing this idea around a bit at the con and see what comes of it, but unless a truly compelling argument is made, this is probably the solution that I will implement.

On a completely different note I had to brag that I just got my iPhone 3G today, and I'm VERY pleased.  It took a few minutes to adjust to the UI, but once I understood the paradigm it made great sense, and has been a real joy to use.  I also have some cool ideas about iPhone/Drupal applications, but I need to play a little bit before I tip my hat there.  Hopefully something cool will come of my ideas shortly after the con.

I leave Friday for Budapest, and I can't wait to see all of you in Szeged.  Safe travels to all of you, where ever you're coming from.