Happy Holidays from The Worx!

We can definitely feel the year winding down here at The Worx Company.  Holidays always seem to be slow, everyone busy with their own personal lives.  With Thanksgiving in November and Christmas and New Years this month, things have been more relaxed around the office.  This has been a great time to catch up on things.  Here are some things that has been going around here:

  • We have a new programmer on board at our office.   Steven has been attending our in-house training sessions and have gotten some hands on work with Drupal, and we're excited to have him full-time here.  It is so exciting to see Drupal talents grow!
  • Yesterday we had our annual Christmas staff lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse.  With our programmers mostly being men, they were very happy to eat steak and potatoes.  We did have a couple of "siesta" requests afterwards, which were denied.
  • We have taken our first step to pursue an Intern program that the state of Oklahoma offers.  I have attended a couple of workshops concerning some of the programs OCAST (Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology) offers.  OCAST is a state organization that works with universities, research foundations and small businesses in-state to provide grants and other resources to fund research and development in science and technology sector.  Since we are very interested in spreading Drupal in Oklahoma and getting more people involved, we are pursuing their Intern program.  This program offers grants for utilizing Oklahoma university students as interns at the facility, to get them involved and trained in projects.  What a great way to spread Drupal to schools around Oklahoma!  We are working on submitting an application for this program.

Happy Holidays everyone!  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We hope 2009 will be the best year Drupal (and the rest of us) has ever had!