Playing with AEgir, DRUSH, DAMP, and MAMP: My Experience

So, I have been inspired from a recent video to go play with AEgir. I thought I would try it on my laptop, so off to install DAMP.

I must say, I was very impressed with the DAMP install. Simple, straightforward, quick. Oh yea, and it 'Just Works'! Very impressive. I played with the Drupal install for a few minutes and it all seems in order.

So, a little light reading on the AEgir page and it seems I need to start with installing 'drush'. A quick read of the instructions and well, this is different. A download from d.o that is NOT installed as a module. No problem and off we go.
Run through the steps in the README and change to the drupal base directory. Run drush and there are a few problems. Some warning messages. I push a little deeper and find that DAMP doesn't include the 'mysql' client. The server is there, but no client command to run. It seems that drush needs this for some of its 'sql' features. Another thing that I noticed, but thought was related to the missing client was that the 'drush sql conf' command returned an empty array. We will come back to that in a moment.

Well, I thought, ok, let's install MAMP then and see if the client is there. Sure enough, the mysql client is part of MAMP. Got them both running. Ran an export from the DAMP side. Ran an import on the MAMP side. And then copied the Drupal install into the MAMP directories.

Back to that empty array. I don't have any idea how Drupal under DAMP was accessing the database. I really need to dig a little deeper. This could be interesting. The $db_url entry had a purely generic setting. No real userid, password, or database name. So, of course, after the copy, I still had that generic entry. I replaced that with $db_url = 'mysqli://root:root@localhost:8889/acquia_drupal'; (these are the defaults) and the acquia install came up just fine in the MAMP environment.

So now I get to go back and play a bit more with drush. The 'drush sql conf' command actually displays the expected output, so it seems that it must be reading the settings.php file.

So far, I would say that the DAMP installer could use:
#1) a mysql client
#2) a conventional settings.php file entry for $db_url

It should be noted that I have just started playing with the whole drush / [DM]AMP environment and have probably made some incorrect assumptions or outright mistakes.

I'll keep plugging away at it and see what else I can find.

First thing to look for is the right place to post this where the developers can see it.
So many different interacting parts though. Not sure if it should go on AEgir, drush, or acquia (DAMP).